Jaden Accord is a passionate photographer, videographer, and designer, currently based out of Delft and Amsterdam.
He works as a creative director at Motif Media, offering high-quality, bespoke creative solutions for businesses looking to enhance their visual identity and individuals seeking personal visual content. There, he has previously worked with brands such as UMC Groningen, Infinite V, TU Delft, VU Amsterdam, and Cloudseven.
Away from the office, Jaden appreciates everything art—literature, music, films, museums—but his main pastime is shooting, developing, and darkroom printing film photos. Part of his photographic portfolio has been published by Shoot It With Film and Orvelio.
Jaden is also a student-athlete lightweight rower with D.S.R.V. Laga at the Delft University of Technology.
Reach out via hi@jadenaccord.com or connect via social media.
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